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Product details

File Size: 14242 KB

Print Length: 6543 pages

Publisher: Athenaeum Classics (January 29, 2019)

Publication Date: January 29, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#20,531 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

It's great to have so many Charles Dickens novels in one ebook file. I am currently reading Barnaby Rush, which was not included in the Dickens novel collection I purchased years ago in hard cover.I am always amazed when I read Dickens at how well crafted his sentences are. I think anyone who has a love of the English language will also love most of the Dickens novels. I have a hard time choosing a favorite. I read Tale of Two Cities for the first time in high school, and I keep coming back to it. I've read David Copperfield and A Christmas Carol umpteen times each, and Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Hard Times, Bleak House several times each.I highly recommend this collection of Charles Dickens novels to anyone who enjoys excellent prose. He was undoubtedly one of the best writers that the English language has ever produced.

Yes, this collection contains all of Dickens' novels, but NOT in the correct order of publication. Yes, it contains two indices, but they are not helpful in the least. Moreover, it is not possible to know how much estimated reading time is left in any individual chapter or book.I'm about to go looking for a different collection.

I was disappointed because when it says "Complete" I assumed it also contained a Christmas Carol which it does not. The price wasn't bad so I just purchased a Christmas Carol separately.

It's Charles Dickens. Three words guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of any high schooler (or college English major). Great Expectations. A Tale of Two Cities. These are dense readings, not to mention all the other books the man had written. Are they worth the time? Absolutely. Just take frequent breaks because the readings can drag on.

this is a magnificent collection. There is no way to go wrong with Dickens. I'm not qualified to review Dickens!! I can only enjoy. Amazing to have so many books available on my kindle!!! thank you Amazon!

I had the book collection of Dickens many years ago and loved reading them, but a leak in the roof destroyed much of my library of books including Dickens. Now I'm enjoying them again on my Kindle.Dickens stories bring characters to life like no other. He created colorful characters and described them so well it makes you feel like you know them. His stories span from the deepest depths of poverty and anguish to love, happiness and riches. These are timeless stories well worth reading.

Charles Dickens is one best Authors in WorldHis characters are complex but in their wayYou love them because of their unquiness

Couldn't resist this. It's free and has all his novels.I read them all several years ago but thought I might reread them sometime on my device.






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